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GCIron offers a full range of concrete screeds. One can find hydraulic roller screeds, vibratory hand-held screeds, and vibratory truss screeds.

Hydraulic Roller Screeds Places over 10,000 square feet (900 square meters) of concrete per hour, achieves high F-numbers and requires only five crew members to operate. Super productivity.

Vibratory Hand-Held Screeds No need to change blades when switching from form-to-form to wet screeding. A unique reversible blade made from durable extruded-aluminum alloy. Highly maneuverable and functional, this DuoScreed is designed with contractor profits in mind.

Vibratory Truss Screeds These are the ideal screeds for large projects. Contractors can strike off areas of up to 65 feet (19.5 meters) wide. Rugged designs handle the rigors at any job site.

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WSHRBA MulitQuip WSHRBA Reinforcement Bracket

Reinforcement Bracket for air powered truss screed only

List Price $68.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHRBE MulitQuip WSHRBE Reinforcement Bracket

Reinforcement Bracket for engine powered truss screed only

List Price $150.00 Currently Unavailable
WSKITAEB MulitQuip WSKITAEB Adjustable End Brackets

Adjustable End Brackets (2) Kit for air and engine-driven screed (w / skidplate)

List Price $510.00 Currently Unavailable
DSB6LW MulitQuip DSB6LW Blade

6 ft. (1.83m) Blade

List Price $555.00 Currently Unavailable
DSB8LW MulitQuip DSB8LW Blade

8 ft. (2.44m) Blade

List Price $635.00 Currently Unavailable
DSB10LW MulitQuip DSB10LW Blade

10 ft. (3.05m) Blade

List Price $720.00 Currently Unavailable
DSB12LW MulitQuip DSB12LW Blade

12 ft.(3.66m) Blade

List Price $795.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHE25 MulitQuip WSHE25 Vibratory Truss Screed

Vibratory-Truss, engine-driven, 2-1/2" section

List Price $825.00 Currently Unavailable
DSB14LW MulitQuip DSB14LW Blade

14 ft. (4.27m) Blade

List Price $875.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHA25 MulitQuip WSHA25 Vibratory Truss Screed

Vibratory-Truss, Air power, 2-1/2" section, 2 vibrators

List Price $915.00 Currently Unavailable
DSB16LW MulitQuip DSB16LW Blade

16 ft. (4.88m) Blade

List Price $915.00 Currently Unavailable
36243 MulitQuip 36243 2-wheel dolly

2-wheel dolly for truss screed

List Price $920.00 Currently Unavailable
MSHEH MulitQuip MSHEH End Handles

End Handles (2 each) for engine-powered truss screeds.

List Price $975.00 Currently Unavailable
WSKITAEBR MulitQuip WSKITAEBR Adjustable End Brackets

Adjustable End Brackets (2) Kit for air and engine-driven screed (w / rollers)

List Price $1,090.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHAH MulitQuip WSHAH End Handles

End Handles (2 each), for air-powered screed only, includes air regulator and lubricator

List Price $1,125.00 Currently Unavailable
MSHE25 MulitQuip MSHE25 Vibratory Truss Screed

Vibratory-Truss, engine-driven, 2-1/2" section

List Price $1,125.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHW MulitQuip WSHW Hand Winches

Hand Winches (2 each) for air & engine-powered truss screeds.

List Price $1,175.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHAIC MulitQuip WSHAIC Invert Crown Kit

Invert Crown Kit for air-powered vibratory truss screed only

List Price $1,275.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHA50 MulitQuip WSHA50 Vibratory Truss Screed

Vibratory-Truss, Air power, 5' section, 4 vibrators

List Price $1,415.00 Currently Unavailable
MSHE50 MulitQuip MSHE50 Vibratory Truss Screed

Vibratory-Truss, engine-driven, 5" section

List Price $1,525.00 Currently Unavailable
MSHE75 MulitQuip MSHE75 Vibratory Truss Screed

Vibratory-Truss, engine-driven, 5" section

List Price $2,050.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHEIC MulitQuip WSHEIC Invert Crown Kit

Invert Crown Kit for engine-powered screed only

List Price $2,075.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHE100 MulitQuip WSHE100 Vibratory Truss Screed

Vibratory-Truss, engine-driven, 10" section

List Price $2,095.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHA75 MulitQuip WSHA75 Vibratory Truss Screed

Vibratory-Truss, Air power, 7-1/2' section, 6 vibrators

List Price $2,100.00 Currently Unavailable
WRSPW MulitQuip WRSPW Pressure Washer

Pressure Washer Only for SuperScreed

List Price $2,226.00 Currently Unavailable
DSGPULW MulitQuip DSGPULW Vibratory Hand Held Screed

Duo Screed LW Power Unit, 1.5 hp Honda; inc. lift handle kit.

List Price $2,650.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHA100 MulitQuip WSHA100 Vibratory Truss Screed

Vibratory-Truss, Air power, 10' section, 8 vibrators

List Price $2,650.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHE50KIT9H MulitQuip WSHE50KIT9H Vibratory Truss Screed and Engine

WSHE 5' vibratory truss section with WSHE-KIT9H - mounted with Honda GX240 [7.1HP]

List Price $3,040.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHE50KIT11H MulitQuip WSHE50KIT11H Vibratory Truss Screed and Engine

WSHE 5' vibratory truss section with WSHE-KIT11H - mounted with Honda GX340 [9.5HP]

List Price $3,315.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHESPW MulitQuip WSHESPW(L) Self-Propelled Winch

Self-Propelled Winch assembly (L), mounted to 2.5' section

List Price $3,600.00 Currently Unavailable
WSHESPW MulitQuip WSHESPW(R) Self-Propelled Winch

Self-Propelled Winch assembly (R), mounted to 2.5' section

List Price $3,600.00 Currently Unavailable
MSHE50KIT11H MulitQuip WSHE50KIT11H Vibratory Truss Screed and Engine

WSHE 5' vibratory truss section with WSHE-KIT11H - mounted with Honda GX340 [9.5HP]

List Price $4,410.00 Currently Unavailable